My first daughter was very fussy at the breast, latching was not simple, and she would often pull off and scream at me. We were in Southeast Virginia, circa 2010. One of the only places with a nice area, where I felt comfortable nursing was #Nordstrom . We spent too much money in that place. Perhaps that is why scoping out places for mothers of young children is so important to me. #wholettheboobsout is a category dedicated to offering helpful info, by location. Any military discounts I find will be included in the posts.

I will use photos of babies nursing whenever possible. If you have any you would like posted, contact me via the feature below. A photo can be added to any blog post, so timing's not a problem. I can use effects to blur identifying features, if that is your wish. My personal photos are from planned-out shoots; although I always thought that nursing is beautiful, the fact is that I rarely nursed, uncovered. It took me a while to be comfortable nursing without a cover, if I had company in my own home. Insert eye-roll. In my #IBCLC practice, I've learned that there are myriad circumstances in which a nursing cover does not work. Some examples are:
Parents using a supplemental nursing system (#SNS)
Parents using a #nippleshield
Some babies aren't having it- it's a thing.
Latching is complicated ( that was me- I didn't go many places until we got the hang of it). That sense of isolation contributed to my #babyblues
The family is proud to be breastfeeding their baby (my favorite)
Many more, but no one needs to justify themselves, anyway!
I promise to write more about the baby blues I experienced, why that phrase seems dismissive to me, as well as resources for new parents.